Awakened by our friendly local traffic police this morning at the stroke of seven - the sound of their whistles caved in my slumber like a Vegas casino implosion. Outrageous. Three of them blasting away to an audience comprising five very unhappy-looking bus commuters standing across from, some pigeons that promptly sought sanctuary elsewhere, and a grand total of six actual vehicles. Six. At 7am. With three police. Each with whistles, florescent green caps, and a desperate desire to look - and worse, sound - busy. Welcome to Hell. So, up and staggering around early - I was about to lock myself in the storage room, where the tottering towers of packing boxes and bubble wrap muffle most noise - when I spied flowers from the weekend. I suddenly became determined that the rattle of rowdy rebels (thank you, Life of Brian) would not crash my karma. And so, a red backdrop, yellow flower, blue vase and a 36mm Extension Tube on a 100mm macro lens later and we have some bright pics to improve the mood.