Monday, September 14, 2009

Vegas Faces

Martini time at the Wynn in Vegas. The much-coveted seats at the outside bar by the fountain afford more than an opportunity to drop wodges of cash on cocktails and nibblies. The hotel also puts on a light show through the evening, with a range of projections onto a screen that towers over the reflecting pool, accompanied by some thumping dance and trance music. It's quite colorful, very creative and, remarkably, free (if you don't include the arm and a leg you drop on the drinks). I thought the most eye-catching performance comprised a series of projections onto a huge blank head that surfaces from below the water, outlined by deep reds and blues or tinted whites on the screen behind it. I thought it would be fun to try to capture some of the displays with the 5D Mk II, and they seemed to turn out remarkably well given no tripod or bracing was involved. Shot with a 50mm, at 1/50 sec and f/3.2 with an ISO of 3200.

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