Little did I know but Melbourne's street artists could rival those of Barcelona and Madrid for their creativity and style, although their collective canvas is a little less obvious than the main thoroughfares targeted by their Spanish counterparts. In a handful of alleyways in central Melbourne, there are long stretches of anarchistic graffiti, ranging from basic stencils through to elaborate and fantastic painted scenes. It's just the sort of thing I love. These alleyways aren't your pampered and protected tourist showpieces however. They're lined with overflowing dumpsters, characters reclining in doorways with long ashes drooping from cigarettes, and the smell of urine - fresh and historic - pervading the scene. No wonder the city council took some convincing that these were actually worthy of preservation. So there is an entrance price to these galleries, but one well worth paying. This little gem was in the dimmest, trashiest, and most easily-overlooked of the alleyways, and apart from the scrawls, was the only art in this location. Even though some of the other work at locations is more complex, more storied, and perhaps more enjoyable, I found that the solitude and apocalyptic surrounds of its alley lent this one added relevance. Taken with the 5D Mk II and a 24-105mm f/4 at 1/25 sec handheld.
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