Aperture used to be my photo editing program of choice until I returned to pro shooting and tried Lightroom while coming to grips with Photoshop. Now that Apple has released Aperture 3, and given Joe McNally's strong endorsement of it, I went back to see how Aperture compared. I'm usually a big booster of Apple goodies, as my multiple Mac purchases attest, but after some playing with the latest version of Aperture I still think Lightroom is king of the hill, combining as it does great workflow and file management with terrific editing tools. There are some bugs in the current beta version of Lightroom 3 that need to be ironed out (in particular importing and slideshows) but I don't doubt these will be sorted in the production release. As such, I think I'll be sticking with Lightroom for the foreseeable future, not least because of its integration with Photoshop itself, which is invaluable when you're pressed for time. Still, here are a couple of pics from Aperture that turned out quite nicely I think - the colors in the gay pride march photo have real punch and there's good sharpness in the volcano pic - but again, I think Aperture needs to learn from Lightroom's importation, workflow and file handling management if it's really going to cause Adobe any problems.
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