Thursday, July 22, 2010

six flag tormenta

Another storm pounding the south of the city this week. It's been a cracking week for storms, although I'm sure Sylvie isn't as thrilled, having to experience them from the interior of our car as she wends her way back from campuses around the city. The flash floods that result from the severity of the storms (and the lack of foresight by city planners when it comes to drainage) can pose real threats to commuters across the city and play havoc with an already hopeless traffic environment. This storm was rolling along the foothills in the south and nicely framed the fun park just on the other side of the park from us. I'd love to roller coaster through one of these storms one day, although doubtless the threat posed by lightning strikes would rank you highly for candidacy on the Darwin list for most stupid exits from this mortal coil. f/22 and 0.6 second on a tripod, ISO 100.

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