Saturday, January 24, 2009

Ninja Photoshopping

We had a couple of friends around for dinner last night and as I had been in the mood to get back to my Asian culinary ways, I chose some Indonesian and Malaysian dishes that are both straightforward to prepare and dynamite to taste. A little chocolate temptation from Ms. Lawson - she of the dark tresses and no-nonsense demeanor - and we had a proper menu. Left with a little time between course prep, I thought it would be fun to whip up a menu that would reflect the oriental roots of the meal, and so came up with the idea of the utensil-brandishing ninja. A half hour later, I had completed a quick shoot of myself clad in the closest thing to ninja attire I could find (my old Washington winter cycling kit) and was playing with the image in Lightroom and Photoshop. The fiery orange background came from OnOne's great PhotoFrame 4 plug-in, and the posterized look is the result of some Photoshop dabbling. I printed the resulting menu out as 6x4 prints on Velvet Fine Art paper and propped a couple on the table with little crocodile clip picture holders. I was asked to reproduce the maniacal look in the ninja's eyes while brandishing a soup spoon to entertain our guests' five-year-old, who delighted by duly taking cover. Great fun.

1 comment:

learp17 said...

Too cool! The whole evening sounds like a hoot.