Monday, July 19, 2010

la semana de las tormentas

Time to resort to the breathless "Discovery Channel"-like approach to blog posting. You know, something like: "It's Storm Week at the damofoto blog, time to relish all the chaos that comes with the DF wet season, when vast cloud banks scud in and sudden squalls pummel the capital each afternoon. Torrential downpours. Hail. Flash floods. Skeins of blue and green lightning. All in a single afternoon's "tormenta." Stay tuned for new posts showcasing mother nature's ruthless"...ahhh, you get the idea. This afternoon's sample was taken toward the south, using f/22, a lengthy shutter speed, and a tripod.

1 comment:

learp17 said...

Is this your subtle way of reminding me and Ari to pack for rain? ;) SOOOOO excited, can't wait to see you guys!